

1. Cardijn/Lay apostolate Research Library

Developing a research library on Cardijn, lay apostolate, the history and work of the YCW and its sister movements, Vatican II, etc.

2. Cardijn’s writings and speeches

The has already published hundreds of articles, speeches and other documents by Cardijn and other leaders and chaplains of the jocist movements in French and English.

There are many hundreds if not thousands more of Cardijn’s writings that may have never been published or which have been out of print for more than 50 years.

3. Cardijn Studies Journal

Cardijn Studies is a refereed, academic journal providing a platform for publishing the latest research in fields relevant to the work of the Cardijn Institute. It is published by ATF Press, Adelaide, and has an international editorial board.

The first issue was published in 2017.

4. Cardijn Resources

Cardijn Resources is a new website and newsletter currently in development that will publish resources for individuals, leaders, groups and movements wishing to make use of the Cardijn approach.

5. Education and training

Pilot course: Joseph Cardijn at Vatican II (To be confirmed) October - November 2018